3 min readJan 11, 2021


The Power of Poetry
By- Vinita

What is Poetry?

If you look in the dictionary it turns out to be a very dry and foggy definition. People have been trying to define poetry since ages just like the word 'Love’.

It is often said that “A poem begins as a lump in the throat; a homesickness or a love sickness. It is a reaching-out toward expression; an effort to find fulfillment. A complete poem is one where an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.”

You see, a poetry results from powerful emotions remembered in tranquility. It is not just an art but a feeling, an emotion which occurs to a poet and he pens it down. When a poem begins, it’s ending becomes infinite, it seizes to limit the imagination as it goes beyond that.

The dirty secret of poetry is that it is loved by some, loathed by many, and bought by almost no one. Nowadays, we have a poetic month, competition, school of poetry and a poetic laureate.

We have all the ways of throwing things like poetry, articles etc. at the crowd today but, the crowd certainly lacks people who want to read it. Poetry has long been a major art with a minor and subtle audience and, there are still those sorts considered odd sometimes, no doubt disturbed, and unsocial, and torturers of sweet cats and birds, who love poetry nevertheless.

I read Shakespeare when I was in 8th Grade and I was completely astound by his writings. Then I read some of Wordsworth’s epic rhythms and more like Abid Raza Naqvi, the greatest works of Rabindranath Tagore, Amrita Pritam etc.

When we read their works, we feel goosebumps, we feel like an ignition of art in our hearts.

Poetry instills in us creative ideas, it gives us a way towards hope, our dreams,our needs and desires.

A poets imagination can reach places that are untouched, he can hear things that are unsaid, he can see the things that cannot be seen. Poetry has the power to calm our senses, to ignite that spark of happiness in us.

Some people write just to escape this world for a while, to locate freedom and liberty in their own minds, to feel the very beauty of this world, to liberate their hearts from the concoctions, the burdens of daily lives.

The saying “writing is rewriting” is never more true than when writing poetry. Poets can sometimes take days (or even months!) looking for just the right words to express themselves.

It gives the strength to pen down our wild thoughts, our deepest fears, our longing love and admirations.

There are no prerequisites while writing a poem, it only has to sound good to you.

Throughout history, kings, queens, soldiers, and ordinary people have all written poetry. Reading these poems teaches us more than just what happened a long time ago; it teaches us how people back then felt and thought about both everyday happenings and important historical events.

Poetry is thoughts put into words, kindness put into minds, freedom put into our imaginations and love put into our hearts!

To read more such articles follow @poeticlane and shower some love.




A writer with a poetic head and a simple vintage heart, writing some good sentences for me, for us.